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From a very young age I have always been interesting in keeping fish. The interest fist developed from watching my grandfather breed his guppies. Over time I got my first aquarium and caught minnows for it. Eventually, I kept goldfish, guppies, angelfish, gouramis and probably most tropical fish you can think of. I loved watching them.


Then there came a few years when I didn't have aquariums. It was something I always missed so finally it was time to get back into fish keeping. I did some research to find what fish I wanted. Reading information and learning as much as I could I decided on African Cichlids. This was one fish I had never had.

I began with a 40 gallon aquarium purchasing a complete setup with tank, filters, fish and everything I would need. All I had to do was move it to my place. It was a great way to get into the hobby.

75 gl. Haps and Peacocks aquarium

So now I have many tanks and many fish and look forward to sharing this journey with you. Keeping African Cichlids will become an addiction. It will happen and there's nothing you can do but enjoy them!

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