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On Fridays I do my water changes on two of my show tanks. Baby my 150 gallon African Cichlid Haps and Peacocks aquarium and Humphrey my Flower Horn's tanks as well.

When removing the water from my 150 I have found it's much quicker to get the job done with a submersible pump rather than waiting for my Python to do the job by suction alone. The time is easily cut by half using the pump.

My first job is connecting the pump and getting the water flowing. Until the tank is at least down by 25% I can't do much as I'll just end up sopping wet.

Every other week I remove the hard scape and vacuum. This week I have my easy week as I will just be changing out the water nothing more.

Once the water is down by about 75% I catch any new females that are holding and strip them of their fry. I usually strip the females at 7 days so they are in good enough shape to return to the main tank.

While the water is down I prepare a 5 gallon pail with Seachem Safe a de-chlorinator for the water and I also add my empsom salts at this time.

Before the pump is shut off I clean the glass on the inside of the aquarium scrubbing away any algae build up. I shouldn't have any if my Pleco did his job. Once that's finished I start to refill and periodically add the water from the 5 gallon bucket.

It's a simple procedure but a crucial part of being a fish keeper and providing the optimal home for your fish.

It's always fun to watch the fish after a water change as they are like a puppy right after a bath..very playful!!

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