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I am in the process of selling all my gorgeous fish from my Haps and Peacocks community. I have posted a few adds

and have had some interest already. I hate letting them go as I've raised them from tiny but I feel this is the best path for me to take at this time. We all need change in our lives and this is mine.

My dolphins

I will miss my dolphins the most. They were so small when I first brought them home. They have grown into stunning big boys.

The only ones I will be keeping are my clown loaches and the two catfish. At least for now. I would consider leaving them in this tank with the Mbuna but I am not sure they would be safe. I could add them to my angels community but that tank isn't really big enough to home them for long.

Clown Loaches

My Giant Raphael catfish I will part with but I want a good home for him. His needs are a little more demanding for his potential size. I would hate to see him stuffed in a small tank after living in a 150 for so long. Also the spotted catfish I'm willing to rehome as well. I do have someone interested in them and will give him the first shot at them as he's expressed interest before.

Many of you know my Mbuna hold my heart. I love them for so many reason and think they should be displayed in the most effective way. I have decided I am going to move my Mbuna community into the 150 gallon aquarium.

African Malawi Mbuna Community

There are a couple reasons for that. One is that they are my favourite fish and my 150 is the spotlight of my home. I feel they would look magnificent in this larger tank with their amazing colours and interesting activities. Nothing in my mind compares to watching the African Mbuna community. There's always so much going on, from breeding to squabbles over hierarchy to display of aggression and just the feeling of excitement I get when I watch them.

The second reason is that I need my 75 that my Mbuna will be vacating for my Flower horns Bo and Greta. I would like to move them down here and put up a divider so they can get accustomed to each other and hopefully pair up. The 40 gallon that Bogart is in right now won't be big enough in no time so I have to make plans for him.

My 75 gallon and my 150.. changes coming soon

I'm excited about this change and look forward to this new direction my fish keeping is taking me.

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