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For our holidays we don't plan too much but we are on the go constantly. The longest we have been away has been for just a few days but long enough that we need to make arrangements for our pets.

Ozzy gets to go on his own vacation at the kennel. He loves it there and never wants to come home. While away I am constantly thinking about him but it's obvious he has been too busy to think of me. Charlie and Dutchie go to friends of ours who have had ferrets before. They are experienced and know what their needs are.

As for SweetPea, Della and Leo our three cats - we leave them at home alone with our neighbor checking on them everyday.

My biggest concern are my tanks. I am not very confident in leaving their care to just anyone. My show tanks I prepare before we leave. Feeding them very well and heavily I give them a couple hours to eat up their food. Then I do an 80% water change on each tank. After their tanks are done they will not be fed until we get home. By feeding them well before the water change and then not feeding until we return significantly reduces the amount of waste produced. This does not only keep the water cleaner but also greatly diminishes the possibility of the build up of ammonia in the aquariums.

Their lids are secure and I leave their lights turned off. We have enough natural light in the rooms there is no need for lights. Actually to be honest fish don't need lights. The lights are only there for our enjoyment. This to me is the best way of avoiding any problems of over feeding, lids left off or lights left on.

Now my little fish room is another story. The young ones need to eat daily so my cat sitter also feeds the fish room tanks. I only have them fed once a day. When I'm home I feed them 4 times a day but once a day is fine for a few days. This makes over feeding less likely. Besides I don't expect my neighbor to come over 4 times a day. The pond can also go without food for a few days so they are no problem.

Once our pet family is looked after its time for us to pack and get our things ready for our camping trip. We love camping and usually go with the boys and their families. It's a very special time for all of us but with all the prep just to go for a few days I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't just be easier to stay home.

No matter where you go or how far away.. there's still something special about coming home.

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