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I have had fish tanks all my life homing most every popular tropical fish out there. I was quite happy with a couple tanks .. That is until I got my first cichlid tank.

My first Cichlid Tank

My first Cichild tank was 40 gallons which I thought was quite big at that time. I had experience with many other tropical fish but none affected my life like Cichlids did. From having that tank it quickly became addiction. Having a uncontrollable desire for more and bigger... That's how it starts.

Once you experience the uniqueness of Cichlids there is no going back. In just over 3 years I have gone from having a 40 gallon Cichlids aquarium to having a total of 16 active tanks with a 150 gallon being my baby.

Two of my show tanks 75 and 150 gallons

I have cut back on a few in order to gain my 150 to keep hubby happy, but I am finding somehow my tanks are multiplying again.

I currently have 4 show tanks, three are Cichlid tanks and one is a tropical community. I also dabble in breeding and have a little fishroom for that.

Addiction... Is a brain disorder, a compulsive action, which requires rewarding stimuli. This process is induced by constant exposure to the rewarding stimuli. (the aquarium) This circle drives the development of the monster within us whom I affectionately call Moofie. Once you have been Moofed.. You are in the throws of the addiction known as MTS. Addiction usually is accompanied by high financial and personal tolls on the addict. However I am sure there are support groups that will help you through this addiction know as MTS.

Moofie after being fed

We joke and say we have MTS.. I am here to tell you it's no joke. MTS or multitanksydrome is highly infectious but it isn't spread as you think .. It is deep within each of us.. festering inside you.. It grows and becomes a monster lurking beneath the surface. If you can control Moofie he may simmer down, but once that seal is broken you are lost.

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