What goes around comes around. We’ve all heard that saying. It’s a saying that is filled with truth. Our words, actions and even thoughts will eventually come back to us. Everything we send out will eventually complete some sort of circle and return to its original starting point – us!
Our actions, good or bad will have consequences attached to them. It’s really true that "we will reap what we sow". A simple example would be a smile. Smile at someone and you will experience instant karma in the returned smile. This is cause and effect in action even in the simplest form. Have you ever been passed by impatient driver only to see them pulled over by an officer a few miles down the road? Yup, that’s instant Karma.
We can see karma at work all around us. However, the only karma we have any power over is our own. What we put out is what we will receive. Think of life as your bank account. You make deposits and you make withdrawals. You want your deposits to grow and thereby benefit you. So now look at what you are depositing into your account. Your deposits will determine how much credit you will have and how much debt. We all know that debt has to be paid at some point. I think it’s best to make healthy deposits of good thoughts, kind actions, and loving words so our credit rises and we’ll have more to draw from in the form of what will come back to us eventually.
Our world has an incredible accounting system. Even if you think you are not being held accountable for your actions, be assured you are. Every action has a reaction. The time-lines are where it can get a little fuzzy. We don’t know the exact time the reaction will happen, but you can be pretty sure it will come. I think we have all thought, someday “he” will get his, but we never see if it really happens. The universe has its own time-line and maintains its balance within it.
In order for us to live fulfilling and happy lives we need to use our karma to our benefit. Often our reactions are almost robotic making choices without even realizing we are making them. It’s time we begin making conscious choices in our thoughts, words and actions. All the events in our lives are defined by our actions and have brought us to this point together. No one is to blame for our situation but ourselves.
Our actions are motivated by our thoughts and our thoughts are driven by our desires. Our desires then, are what fuel our actions. As you can see another circle has formed.
To make the changes you want to see is quite simple. Try not to send out anything - thoughts, feelings, words or actions that you are unwilling to accept back. Remember what you send out will make its way back to you. You are the only one in control of what lies ahead for you. Make conscious choices that will benefit your future and you will be living a happier more fulfilled life soon.