Being a person owned by 4 cats, (JavaBean, Webster, SweetPea and Finn) I have often struggled with allowing them outside to roam as is their nature. I have tried the leash/collar but more often than not they escape and I'm left with an empty collar at the end of my safety-intended tie-out. Believe me when I say I have spent enough money on many different styles, qualities and sizes. I started them early as well - still kittens, so it's not that.
I wouldn't have an issue at all if I knew all they would remain on our property but as most cats, they have a curious streak that is led more by their nose than their property lines. I am not happy when strange cats come over here and leave gifts for me in my flowerbeds so I can empathize with my neighbors feeling the same way.
We had been letting them out until our neighbor came over and complained about one of my females (JavaBean) making herself comfortable on their deck often sitting on the middle of their table. From that point on I was diligent in not letting her out. It was a hourly struggle as everytime I went to the door I had to deal with her intent to get out. I managed to keep them all in for three weeks before the first escape happened. That was the last time I have seen JavaBean.
SweetPea got out a couple times but I try hard not to allow her out. She's a little tender-heart and I worry about her the most. Finn being a kitten hasn't been out yet at all. Until the other day when hubby was letting Web out. Finn sneaked out. When I realized he was out I periodically went out and looked for him. He was always close and I'd see him but he wasn't ready to come in yet. Finally he was quite wet and he came in on his own. That was stressful and I was hoping he wouldn't sneak out again.
Only a few days later Finn got out again. He was gone most of the morning. I was getting so worried. Finally around noon Finn came in. I could tell something was wrong. He was moving slowly, no interest in food and just went up to his favorite haunt. Sleeping on a shag bathmat that lays on the end of our guestroom bed looking out the 2nd story window. I followed him up and watched him settle down for a nap. I left him be and thought he was just cold and tired and needed a rest.
Later when I hadn't seem him yet I went to check on him. Usually when I walk by him he rolls over exposing his tummy for rubs but not this time. That's just not Finn. I sat down with him and petted him. I gently rolled him over and saw a 3 inch gash on his tummy. Poor guy. I looked closer, pulling it gently open and could see it was a good three inches wide and 2 inches deep.
Needless to say a trip to the vet was in order. I wasn't too worried as there was virtually no blood whatsoever. Luckily the vet was ready for us when we got there. Dr. Gillies was wonderful. She cleaned him up, checked for unseen damage and stitched Finn up. It was so deep she stitched him in 3 layers to close the wound. Dr. Gillies said he was impaled on something. The angle it entered did not damage any vital organs hence the lack of blood. Finn is on the mend now and seems to be right back to normal. This episode definitely makes me re-think the outdoor thing though.