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Does it accept all things?

Sometimes I realize that loving perfectly isn’t that easy. It takes some work and practice. Imagine if love were like a smorgasbord. You walk up with your plate and take a helping of this tasty bite and some of this one, but pass on that and forgo that. It would be nice if we could pick and choose wouldn’t it?

Take a look at your spouse. I’ll take a heaping helping of good moods and help with the chores but I’ll pass on the in-laws and the job transfers.

What about the children? Just imagine if we could take all the cute smiles and good grades and pass on the rampant hormones of puberty and teenage identity crisis!!

I can just see the kids making these loving decisions. I’ll take free lodging and a good helping of allowance but I’ll pass on the homework, chores, and rules oh and yes curfew.

It would be so much simpler if it worked like that. It would be peaceful and painless as well. However, we all know love isn’t like that. If it worked that way then it just wouldn’t be love. Love willingly accepts all things. I for one am glad because parts of me that aren’t so lovable really need accepting too. I just say.. “It’s all part of my charm."

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