I think it’s safe to say we all desire to be the best we can be. It takes commitment, desire and determination to succeed yet it isn’t easy no matter how you cut it. Now more than ever before society has become focused on physical health and well-being. There is another part of our bodies that needs attention as well – our Brain!
In order to stay at peak performance mentally we need to exercise our brain. Making an effort to take care of our mind will result in becoming better thinkers. Our brain is a marvel in that it continually grows, expanding and adapting to stimuli that surround us. In order to stay sharp, it is important that you exercise your brain.

Like any other muscle in our bodies with lack of use our minds become soft and slow down. Similar to making a conscious choice to get into shape physically, we need to do the same with our mind to keep it sharp as well. Our brain is the most complex object in the entire universe. That’s pretty astounding. Each of us has this amazing grey matter that holds unfathomable capabilities. Through the use of our brain we have the ability to remember thousands and thousands of bits of information. Our memory is the cornerstone to our brain function.
In order to ward off forgetfulness and many other mental illnesses it’s imperative that we regularly challenge our minds. Keep learning. Multitask. Teach yourself something new, read a book, do a puzzle just remember that your brain is soaking up information continuously. Regular physical exercise is also connected to healthy brain function. It will actually increase the formation of new brain cells and strengthen areas such as your memory and learning skills.
There are many simple ways for keeping your brain fit. Get plenty of sleep. We have all experienced trying to get through our day on inadequate amounts of sleep. I think it’s safe to say we are never as productive if our mind is tired and unable to focus. Proper nutrition is another big one. Avoiding stress is important in most aspects of health so it goes hand in hand with mind health as well.
Don’t allow yourself to fall into a routine. Change things up and keep things new and exciting. Listen to a different radio station. Try switching hands for simple things like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. Have someone feed you while you are blindfolded. Use your brain instead of your eyes – sharpen your senses. Challenging your brain like this causes you to concentrate a little more to get the simple things accomplished. In effect you are giving your mind a workout and it’s amusing too.
Social interaction is a wonderful mind workout. We concentrate on what’s being said, garnish new information and are thinking about our response all at the same time. There are so many ways to work out that noodle so be creative, have fun and get that grey matter in shape.