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Why do we seem to rush through life as if we are racing to a finish line? We all know what the finish line is right? We live in a hectic world teaching us that we must rush, to get everything in, everything done, multitasking, popping from one task to another never really being productive in the end.

Life does not have to be this way. If we are looking for quality over quantity we must slow down. It’s a much more effective way to achieve productive results. Rushing may produce more but quality will suffer.

There are many benefits to slowing down. Your focus is much clearer, allowing you to dig deeper producing better results with fewer mistakes. You will find a new enjoyment for the tasks at hand and actually appreciate your efforts on a new level. With that comes a more relaxed self, with less anxiety, and stress that are common results when rushing.

Change does not come easily to many of us. What we have to accept is that life will be much

richer and fuller if we just slow down, taking time to enjoy each moment. How much do you enjoy a meal if you gobble your food down quickly rather than savoring each morsel? And so it is with life. Life is meant to be enjoyed as we savor each moment. This alone is the most important reason to slow down.

Slowing down isn’t easy with time crunches, deadlines, schedules and the list goes on. Many of us just don’t think the demands put on us will allow us to slow down. It’s simply a matter of changing your mindset. Cut your “to do list” down to a manageable size. Schedule fewer appointments and stop over committing yourself. Take time out for you. Go for a walk, disconnect your cell phone, read a book and just take a breather. Believe it or not the world will go on around you even when you remove yourself for an hour, an afternoon or even an entire day.

Practice mindfulness, by eliminating the unnecessary and live for the present rather than the future. It’s time to take control or your time, slowing down and enjoying your life moment by moment!


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