The voice is truly an astonishing instrument....
I've learned, when reading a story to my grandchildren it's not so much the words that hold them captive. It's the tone of my voice. When the big bad wolf speaks I must take on his voice to add color to the story. If I happen to laze out on that part of my story reading, I get the "Read it like ya mean it" look! I watch their little faces and they actually screw up their faces with crinkles imagining the characters - most of this coming from the simple tone of my voice. It's pure magic really.

I believe our voices are directly linked to our moods. When I'm excited, my voice seems to change pitch and speed up. When I'm tired, my words slow down and carry more of a monotone quality. If I'm angry (which I never am), the volume changes. Oh yes.. and if I'm in a "loving" mood.. mmm.. my voice takes on a soft huskiness.
I'm not sure how much of my vocabulary my pup Ozzie understands, but he reads my tone perfectly. For instance, I can say.. Ozzie you are such an idiot! If I say those words in a happy loving voice he's just a jumping and wagging his tail like he's gotten the highest praise! lol Too funny!
I have a YouTube channel called DebTim - A CANADIAN GIRL. The first few times I recorded my voice on a video I thought, that's not how I sound! Alas, it is exactly how I sound to others. I think we hear our voices differently because we hear from within. No matter, we are once again blessed with a talent we all take for granted... see we can play an instrument. It lies within us!