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Opinions are like finger prints – everyone has one and it’s usually different than anyone elses. We have to take opinions in their context as being just that, an opinion. What you do with the opinions you gather is entirely up to you.

Opinions people form about you are developed through knowing you, by looking at you and what you possess, or through other people’s opinions about you. They have no power unless you allow it. You know the saying “Take it with a grain of salt”? This is a good place to put that simple saying into practice.

The only true opinion that matters is the opinion we have of ourselves. This opinion has the power to enrich our lives immeasurably and protect us from hurtful opinions that do not matter.

Simple steps to insulate yourself from hurtful opinions is to look at your strengths and amplify them. By allowing your strengths to be your guide through life you will have an inner strength of character that can not be shaken by unimportant opinions of others. Strive to live up to who you naturally are. The inner you. People place expectations on you that are unrealistic because they have a different agenda for you than you do yourself. They project what they think you should be, not what you know you truly are. Do not allow the opinions of others put you in a place where you don’t belong. Or where you try to fulfill their opinion of you rather than projecting the real you.

What is the point of living up to someone else’s opinion of you when you know it’s false? That will do you more harm than good. It’s time to respect who you are and your own values, living up to no one’s standards but your own. We usually expect more from ourselves and set higher standards for ourselves than anyone else would.

Put the opinions of other’s in their place relevant to where they come from and who they come from. Use your strengths as a personal shield. Remember the only opinions that matter are your own. By putting the opinions of other’s in perspective you free yourself.

There is one thing we are all perfect at and that is being ourselves. No one can be a better you!

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